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The 7 Easiest Houseplants to Care for!

Collecting and taking care of plants is a rewarding hobby to start. It is fun and can even have some benefits. Starting something new and caring for something can be intimidating so I put together a list of plants that are extremely easy to care for. The list is made up of all my own plants, so I know firsthand that these plants are forgiving to beginner plant owners.

I have a neon pothos and they are amazingly easy to take care of. They can live in low light conditions but do like bright light. When they get bright light, the plant will tend to have more variegation. They are drought tolerant and grow very quickly. These plants also like well-draining soil and there are various types of pothos plants that are different colors for you to choose from. Pothos are toxic to pets though so make sure the plant is in a spot your pets won’t get to it (Iannotti & Jones, 2024).

False Christmas Cactus

The false Christmas cactus is another plant that is simple to care for and it is very beautiful and intriguing. This unique tropical plant is not drought tolerant like other cacti or the plants on this list. Still, this special cactus is a very forgiving plant to new plant owners and can bloom gorgeous flowers. These plants bloom best when they are given bright light and the right amount of water. In my experience, my cactus has bloomed many times and I was not trying or doing much (horticulture).

The ZZ plant is also known as a low-maintenance house plant. This plant can survive in various light conditions and likes well-draining soil. ZZ plants are also drought resistant but are another toxic house plant for your pets. This plant comes in interesting colors as well. For example, my plant is a black ZZ plant, so the plant is green when it is young and turns black as the new parts of the plant grow (Sears, 2022).


Aloe is a low maintenance and convenient plant to have in your home. There are aloe plants that are edible, but this is not the plant you can consume. This aloe species is toxic to animals and humans. This plant can be used for topical treatments like cuts and burns. Aloe loves well-draining soil and like many other plants on this list are part of the succulent family. This plant likes bright light and is drought tolerant (Iannotti, 2022).

This plant is also known as mother in laws tongue and is drought tolerant. This plant can also live in low light and offers diverse types of species to choose from to decorate your home. The snake plant likes well-draining soil and can clean the air in your home by removing toxins. This plant is also part of the succulent family and gives a unique look to a home. This is another plant that is not pet safe but is quite easy to care for and even propagate (Frothingham, 2023).

snake plant.jpeg

Air Plant

Air plants are another unique beginner friendly plant. What’s simpler than a plant that does not need soil? These plants are cool because they get nutrients from the debris in the air and water around them. Also, it is not that the plant can live without soil, but these plants should never be planted in soil. This would eventually rot the plant. Air plants need to be misted with water regularly and should be soaked as well so the plant gets a chance to soak up as much water as needed to ensure you are not underwatering this soil-free plant. This plant likes bright light, but just like other plants, they can be scorched or burned by light that’s too bright and too direct (Sears, 2024).

Echeveria Succulent
(Echeveria spp.)

This succulent that you have probably seen yourself at the store is a pretty plant with a rosette shape that is drought tolerant. This succulent loves bright light and well-draining soil. These plants are extremely sensitive to overwatering. I know because I have sadly killed a few of these guys by paying too much attention to them, watering them to much and keeping them in a bigger pot with too much soil for what they need. These plants only want water when their soil is completely dry. If they do not get an adequate amount of light the plant can become lanky and tall like how mine looks in the photo because my window is not facing East or West, but the plant can survive just fine. Just does not look ideal or as full as it could. This plant can also grow fairly quickly. I will say though I find repotting these succulents stressful because of how fragile the leaves are on the plant. Other than that, if you have a gentle hand this plant is perfect (Sears, 2022).


Iannotti, M., & Jones, A. (2024, February 8). How to grow and care for Pothos. The Spruce.,aware%20that%20pothos%20plants%20are%20toxic%20to%20pets.

False christmas cactus care 101 - horticulture. (n.d.).

Sears, C. (2022, July 28). How to grow ZZ plant (zanzibar gem) indoors. The Spruce.

Frothingham, S. (2023, May 4). 7 reasons snake plants make the best indoor plants. Healthline.

Iannotti, M. (2022, June 2). How to grow and care for Aloe Vera. The Spruce.

Sears, C. (2024, February 15). How to grow and care for air plants: No soil required. The Spruce.,from%20the%20air%2C%20water%2C%20

Sears, C. (2022b, August 16). How to grow echeveria succulents. The Spruce.
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